Scott Pro 2000 ABEKP3 filter

29,99 €
Product description

For full-on warzones, accept no less than this filter. Featuring 40 mm EN 148-1 standard thread (as seen on US gas masks as well), this filter is used in combat and high-risk service on a global scale.

These days, it makes sense for a civilian to have one of these and an appropriate mask in their contingency box. You never know when a forest fire or factory explosion happens next door and the wind is blowing from the wrong direction.

Features and protection range

The Scott CF32 has a very high flow capability with low breathing resistance. This is the power player's choice for serious work, let others catch their breath!

Protects against organic, inorganic, and acid gases and vapors, solid and liquid particles, radioactive and toxic particles, bacteria, and viruses.

Shelf life 5 years at most, after opening 6 months.

3M Scott Fire & Safety

The owners and the name may change, but this is the same manufacturer that has made gas masks and such for a long time. The customer base includes various armed forces and fire brigades around the world. To put it short: the reliability and safety of Scott masks is top-notch.

Made in the UK.


Kevin C.

14.01.2022Verified purchase
Pretty sweet deal. We don't get a lot of Scott Pro contract stuff in the US, at least not brand new and sealed. It's either more expensive or not in stock, so it was worth the wait to buy from Finland!

Thomas L.

19.12.2020Verified purchase
The filter has no end caps. It's just sealed in transparent plastic. This is also how it is sold, there is no box (just like OEM stuff for computers). Should the bag break, your 6-month period starts I guess. I don't like this. Once I bought Polish filters in similar bags, and one bag was not air tight so I really don't trust this concept fully. I would have prefered end caps, but since they sell them like this, they should know what they are doing, right? It all depends on how much of a control freak you are :-)

Ashley B.

07.09.2020Verified purchase
Pretty much agree with the other reviewer. They're in date filters and are up to the task. Breathing resistance really is minimal. But these really are huge filters. In a side loading mask (like the FM12 I use) I've found they're very awkward, it's pretty easy to smack yourself in the collar bone with it, and they're pretty heavy. I'm now on the lookout for a 40mm STANG hose for the mask to deal with the issue