The most lightweight piece of the South African Pattern 83 load-bearing system. This Chest Rig is designed to carry only the most vital stuff you might need on a patrol (ammo, grenades, etc.) and, most importantly, to work well when carrying a rucksack.
As the Pattern 83 kit was developed the need for a rucksack compatible load-carrying vest became clear. The standard battle jacket, when fully loaded, is good for day patrols but if you need to hump a rucksack on top of that things get very difficult. This chest rig carries magazines, grenades, and a first aid kit and documents whilst water, radios, and other paraphernalia go in the rucksack. Like so many others these too are descendants of the famous Chicom Chest Rig, of which the South Africans even produced their own direct copies for special operations.
This is a very sought-after piece of kit, grab yours while stocks last!
In used but perfectly serviceable condition. Repaired when necessary and cleaned. Note: Repaired means some of these have their shoulder straps replaced with a slightly different kind. These might also have previous user's name on written on them and who knows, some of these might have seen some pretty rough stuff in their time.
Stephen S.
William s.
Yannic S.