Write and take notes even in pitch-black darkness without any external light, batteries, charging electricity, or connection plugs. All you need is a pen, paper, and this GlowPad. In the days of yore, you would have been burnt as a witch for having this. Now, your friends will just ask where you found that magical marvel. And you can lead them to Varusteleka.
The use of the GlowPad writing plate is super easy. It starts to glow when exposed to artificial or natural light. The maximum glowing time is approx. six hours depending on how long it was exposed to the light. You can reach the max in less than a minute of light exposure.
Take the plate with you, and when you need to write or draw, place it under the sheet of paper you use, and it functions as a self-illuminating writing plate. As a bonus, it prevents the text from being copied on the next sheet of your notepad.
You can also use the GlowPad to illuminate objects at close range or even for signaling.
Sized exactly right for this 96 x 148 mm notepad, but also illuminates bigger papers.
Video material
If you don’t believe the written word, watch this video.
Jens S.
Alexander V.