Very powerful yet fairly compact outdoor lantern for hiking, camping, outdoor cooking, and whatever you wanna do outside with lights on. Also handy as an emergency light at home during blackouts when you wanna drive the night monsters away for good. Efficient, glare-free, and has several modes, including a red light for better night vision. Its hook, removable stand, and magnet mean that you can use it pretty much anywhere you want. It also works as a power bank.
Included in the Box
- Led Lenser ML6 lantern
- USB cable
- Rechargeable battery
- Transport bag
- Stand
- Power: 550 lumens (on boost 750 lm)
- Lamp: 1 x LED
- Burn time: up to 70 hours
- Battery type: 18650 rechargeable battery (included)
- Measurements: 178 x 42 mm (7.0" x 1.65")
- Weight with the battery: 280 g (9.9 oz)
- Water rating: IP54
This is the bigger sibling of the ML4. It is by no means huge either but craploads more powerful and thus perfect when you need things bright and beautiful in a larger area. State-of-the-art lens technology ensures optimal light distribution with maximum energy efficiency. Glare-free illumination of your surroundings makes it easy to pick the perfect spot for the light. Fluorescent elements make it easier to find the light e.g. in a dark tent when it’s not on.
The included battery can be charged with the USB charging cable. The lantern also functions as a power bank for recharging electronic devices such as cell phones, etc. It comes with a rubber hook for hanging, an integrated magnet for mounting it on metal surfaces, and a removable stand with an extra built-in metal hook that can be flipped out to provide more light mounting options. There’s also a ¼" thread for mounting the lantern on tripods.
There are three switches for intuitive and easy operation, a built-in battery indicator, and lighting that can be smoothly dimmed and brightened. The lantern features several modes and an optional red light for enhanced maintenance of night vision. Plus flashing modes for both. The transportation lock prevents the light from going on accidentally.
Mode | Lumens | Runtime |
Boost | 750 | N/A |
Power | 550 | 4 |
Low power | 20 | 70 h |