Tactical but discreet, waterproof shoes with speed laces from Haix. These work shoes will work for you both indoors and outdoors.
One small step for man, a very comfortable leap for mankind, while wearing these Haix low shoes. If you don’t need any support over your ankle area, but prefer the look and other features of a proper service boot, Haix Black Eagle Athletic 2.1 GTX Low is your go-to shoe. Maximal breathability will keep you cool also when indoors, and the Gore-Tex-membrane will protect your feet from stray coffee droplets. In case you are forced outdoors, your feet will be dry over wet ground also. A strong anti-slip sole will support your step on stonier surfaces and uneven ground, even when moving a bit faster. Compared to boots, these Haix shoes are also much more comfortable when driving. Lastly, these shoes are completely metal-free, which is ideal when working in or going through security areas.
- Upper material microfiber/textile
- Waterproof Gore-Tex membrane
- Rubber on the front toe for added protection and durability
- Elastic speed laces
- Shock-resistant, anti-static, and anti-slip sole
- Completely metal-free, ideal for working in security areas
- Color black
- Weight per shoe 440 g / 1.0 lbs (size UK 9 / EU 43)
- Made in Europe
Shoe care
These Haix shoes have a waterproof membrane and a textile upper. We recommend using shoe care products intended for textile shoes with a membrane. Read more about shoe care in our dedicated article.
All HAIX footwear are covered by a one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. Ordinary wear is not covered. We do not handle international warranties or warranties for HAIX footwear that's not bought from us.
Size info
First the British size followed by a comparable EU size. Elastic lacing enhances comfort in all day long use.
To convert UK sizes to US Men's sizes, just add one whole size e.g. a British 8.5 is an American 9.5.