Don’t you just loathe it when the zippers get stuck? With this zipper cleaner and lubricant, you can remove sand, dirt, and salt deposits that can screw up the smooth operation. It quickly releases stuck zips and helps prolong zipper life. Use it regularly and experience the pure joy that only a nicely gliding zipper can bring. Perfect for tents and other outdoor gear as well as wetsuits and dive bags. Also works on clothing in case you love mud baths but hate nudity.
Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner has a handy brush top that removes crap and gunk and shoves the cleaning stuff right between the zipper teeth. It leaves a clear, protective, and lubricating film to prevent corrosion. It also fights damage caused by saltwater, chlorine, and rust on nylon, metal, and plastic zippers. This stuff is non-toxic and contains no silicone or paraffin wax. Usable with all sorts of zippers but especially nice with those that are regularly exposed to mud, sand, and other nasty stuff.
Luka P.