The original Finnish military fur hat.

Finnish M05 Winter Hat

19,99 €29,99 €
Product description

The official cold-weather fur hat of the Finnish Defence Forces in the M05 winter woodland camo. With the exception that the official insignia have been removed but otherwise exactly as awesome as those who have been in the Finnish army remember. Affectionately known as the elephant’s pussy by the recruits. Finland knows a thing or two about cold. With this on, you won't have to. A traditional fur hat is very warm but more formal winter headwear than a wool cap. Unused.


Fur hats have a long history in the Finnish military. They have practically been around as long as we have had soldiers. It was actually after experiences in the Winter War of 1939 against us Finns that the Soviets adopted their now-legendary Ushanka fur hats.

Modern fur hats have many great features that our ancestors couldn’t even dream of having, such as camo patterns, and double flaps. It sure is a very versatile and reliable hat for even the coldest of winters.

This fur hat has small foldable ear flaps for a bit warmer winter days and big, thick, and fuzzy ear and neck flaps that fold down when you have the proper Finnish winter weather. When you use both, your head will not freeze! The hat fits nicely with flaps up or down, which is good in windy conditions and when riding on top of a tank or moose. Made by Image Wear, which is a Finnish company with a long history in work clothing but possibly sewn in Estonia.


Jacob M.

09.12.2022Verified purchase
Haven't put it on yet, thankfully. This hat is made very well. High quality, hook and loop looks like it'll last, but DAMN this elephants pussy literally stank my house out hahahaha. Fucker reeks through the package like a fat bag o dro hahahaha. Buy one, air it out a couple days, and wear it!

Vincent B.

17.12.2022Verified purchase
i have tested out the fur hat and liner gloves, and pershaps for you it's just that a fur hat and liner gloves. The fact that you can pull down the liner fleece down your ears, so no wind gets to your ears is truely amazing to me. It makes it so you can keep wind out without needing to perse make your ears feel like an oven. While the front flap, not sure if intended or not can be flapped down to be like a cap, and thus prevent the sun from shining into my eyes due to ice reflection. The flaps of the Karvalakki are so easy to pull down that it can be done one handed with a bit on practice while i am technically performing trafic law violations. So overall a good hat, beats my romanian surplus had, as expected. Just slightly more usable in just the ways i need it to be. To sumerise, i do highly recomend the liner gloves and the Karvalakki, even for the price of 58 euro's in total, which isn't cheap nor expensive but a gray middle zone inbetween personnaly.

Elijah M.

14.06.2024Verified purchase
Im sorry to say this but wow this hat is s**t ugly and feels like ass...not good ass. Its made horrendously (poorly put together and stitching) and the M05 is faded? Imagine the one from Intti but made in ᵣussia instead. I dont know if I was expecting it to be like my issued karvalakki too much, but it did not meet expectations. I missed my beloved karvalakki and wanted one since finishing my service. Maybe I got a bad batch? Others seem to like it. Your choice.