This chest rig has three AK 47 mag pouches and some smaller pockets for cleaning equipment, grenades, and such.

Chicom Type 56 Chest Rig, AK, Surplus

29,99 €
Product description

The legendary AK-47 Chicom chest rig, familiar from Vietnam flashbacks. A bit later unissued milsurp of the People’s Liberation Army of China. Excellent, simple, and silent design. No wonder soldiers around the world still use these chest rigs that became infamous during the Vietnam War. Get yours now, because you probably won’t get a second chance of getting your hands on something as awesome as this.

We got a special shipment of Chinese army Chicom gear. The rumor has it that these rare beauties came from a secret British SAS warehouse. Why did they have these in the first place, that remains a mystery? The main thing is that we got them now, and soon you can have them if you act fast. This epic gear loved by all will disappear very quickly.

The iconic chest rig of the Vietnam War

Type 56 is the most iconic of the Chicom chest rigs. In Vietnam, it was used by both NVA and Vietcong. And it has been manufactured and used long afterward.

The rule of thumb "where there is an AK, there is also a Chicom chest rig" holds true still today. Even though this is best paired with a Kalashnikov, this works with other sensibly sized assault rifle mags as well. The bigger 7.62x51 mags also fit in the pouches but they don’t come out as smoothly. You can of course make the toggle loops longer with some extra string. This way you can also fit in two AR mags taped together. This is how US special forces used these in Vietnam.

This chest rig has three mag pouches side by side together with some smaller pockets for cleaning equipment, grenades, and such. All the pouches are closed with wooden toggles. The adjustable shoulder straps cross each other at the back and the waist belt strings are tied together at the back. The maximum waist measurement is about 110 cm. If your girth is above this, tying the strings might be a bit hard. We suggest losing weight or making longer strings yourself.

Made of thick and strong national democratic victory green canvas. The backside and reinforcements of the pockets are made of some polyester. However, for some mystical reasons, some of these have vinyl on the flaps of two smaller pockets.

The fact that about a gazillion of these has been made is in our opinion enough to convince us that they work. Because of the low-profile design, these work quite well with most backpacks and other setups.


This is as good as the new Chinese military surplus. So, it is pretty much in as good a condition as over 40 years old products can be. The colors can be a bit faded and the fabric a bit worn, and there might be some warehouse dust on them, which is of course as it should be. If anything but mint condition gives you anxiety, buy a Chinese copy of the Chinese original. But that will be nowhere as cool as this.


Jason W.

05.09.2020Verified purchase
Congrats Varusteleka on getting your hands on these. Dunno if your tall tale of “SAS warehouse” is true, but if it is then it makes this item even more special. This item is impressively lacking the classic musty warehouse smell. The Strichtarn Zeltbahns and Italian rucksack I ordered from Varusteleka came with much more stench than these. There is a faint odor of WD40 or some other oil, but is unnoticeable except with a very close sniffing (which I did) The material is very durable but still light, a perfect balance. The stitching is very tight, I can imagine myself hanging onto this with all my weight without it ripping and tearing. The wooden toggles are very nice to touch, smooth and made with care. Slipping the loops onto the toggles is a very nice motion - it takes a little practice but is easy to do one handed. The adjustable straps are in great condition and are effective and intuitive to use. Once set, they do not slip or lose traction. Wearing this vest makes me feel like a real operator ready for low profile missions. Not a Navy Seal high speed boi, but a disgruntled 40 year old farmer hiding in the thicket with a basket full of grenades - pure tenacity and guts, nothing fancy or boastful or showy. There is something special about this item - it really does have a crude but powerful energy radiating from it. You’ll see what I mean when you try yours on. You’ll feel transformed. And I’m assuming you’ve purchased one because Varusteleka hid this item from their site after all 94 pieces sold, and the only way to see this review would be to have clicked from the link in your complete order email. I wish I could post a photo on this review to show how I’ve loaded up my work tools in it. I’m going to use and abuse this baby like it was meant to be. Something as ugly and practical as this doesn’t deserve to sit in a closet to rot , even if it is a collectors item.

Jason A.

21.12.2020Verified purchase
So as someone who is familiar with the definitely not real reproductions china spits out these days, but no 'authentic' Type 56 rigs, this has been an interesting experience. The rig I received was brand new. No warehouse factory smell to to speak of, only a lightly chemical fabric smell. Compared to the (admittedly very functional and attractively priced) reproductions, this chicom rig differs noticeably. As mentioned in the description, the primary material is a strong canvas which is very similar to the reproductions. The differences are the synthetic polyester backings, flap reinforcements and on my particular one, reinforcements around the tops of the three mag pouches. The accessory pouches have a non symmetrical layout on this rig, unlike the repros I have seen. The users far right pouch is substantially bigger and features a small inner pocket compared to the left most pouch. The leather strap keepers on this model are indeed a thick stiff leather, which on may repros is fake or low quality. The most unique part is the adjustable strap system. I have not seen these particular buckles on any repros, which usually feature a double d ring setup. These adjusters are also painted an olive green, which I assume would be required for any military item to avoid reflections. The rustic style and paint of these buckles is probably the closest I can find to anything proving the age and provenance of these vests. Overall, this is a new, quality product in the proven Type 56 rig design. I have no doubt it will survive more abuse than you can. As there are no markings and no proof of what the rig is, apart from Varustelekas story, you have to ask yourself whether it is worth buying. A very similar repro can cost you as little as 10 Euros shipped which is functionally identical. As such I can only recommend to people who really know what they are looking for or captured by the romanticism of Varustelekas marketing, which never ceases to get me.