A proper high-quality military compression bag for sleeping bags or general utility use. German or Austrian military surplus, made by Carinthia.
Compression bags are great for packing and separating other items as well, such as thermal clothing for the extreme cold, or spare boots. These bags have straps for constricting and shortening the bag, and a velcro base for name or ID tags.
Germanic surplus
Made by Carinthia, used by the Bundeswehr or Bundesheer. Signs of use are apparent, the PU coating on the inside is often flaking off, and in some are missing the cord lock. Most of the bags are OK in this regard but prepare for a small fix like this. The flaky PU coating just means these aren't 100 % waterproof. The main fabric is still good to go for a long time to come.
If you want a factory new product, we sell those as well.
Brian C.
Nino W.
Terje J.