Canadian Felt Insoles, Surplus

7,99 €
Product description

Do you know the feeling when the frost creeps into your feet through those ergonomic hi-tech insoles? Well, nothing comes through these. They are so goddamn thick no amount of cold will sneak in to tickle your toes. Also, if you’ve always wanted to be taller or you just happen to have too roomy shoes, these are for you. You should act fast, since insoles like these are usually hard to come by.


This holy grail of winter insoles was originally meant for Canadian Mukluk winter boots. They are made from thick felt, which allows for good airflow, while insulating your feet from the cold ground. If you don’t need your insoles to be 1,5 cm thick, you can probably try cutting them in half with a sharp knife. If successful, this operation will yield two pairs of insoles. If not, you’ll end up with four crappy pieces of felt.

Unissued surplus

Unissued Canadian military surplus. No moose have been ridden with these on, so there are no funny smells or anything except pure warm felty goodness!


Oscar B.

01.09.2024Verified purchase
I bought these insoles intending to trim them down to fit my size 45.5 winter boots (Salomon Toundra Forces). Even after trimming, they're still too big and hit the roof of my shoes. In hindsight, I wish I had gone for a bigger size boot, but here we are. The difference compared to the stock insoles is immediately noticeable. These insoles are great for their simplicity—you can fit them into almost any boot with a little DIY effort. And if you mess up? They're not exactly expensive, so it's no huge loss.

Alexander V.

21.02.2024Verified purchase
Extremely thick and soft and wool. Very fair pricing. Point of attention; it looks like they are made in British sizes, so for you Freedom people; a size 8 is actually a size 9 US, etc. I managed to cut mine to a smaller size with little problem. Splitting one in half (they are VERY thick) took a little bit more time, but I managed just fine. Now my M77 boots are nice and soft and warm. Shame this sort of thing is so rare nowadays. The label is German (so I guess these were exported), says that they are made in Canada and mentions the year 1999. Not sure if that is the year of production, but given it is actuall high quality, it probably is indeed that old (alsmost everything is made to be disposable crap today). Glad I bought 2 pairs (sorry guys!).

David M.

These are the cat's meow. I was rocking these in my Canadian army Muk's in the 90s. Your feet will thank you.