BW Winter Boot Liner, Surplus

17,99 €
Product description

When it gets really cold, socks are no longer enough. But these thick felt liners will be even when the wolf comes to swallow the sun at the end of the world. These have a double layer of very wool-rich felt. They are also great as morning slippers, and as winter boot insulation in historical reenactment. Unused and all so act fast before they are out.


German armed forces sure have fantastic winter gear. Just look at these felted beauties! There is c. 6 mm (¼") of very dense white felt here, so they are extremely warm. They don’t come with any material data, but they seem to be quite wool-rich nevertheless. The heel is reinforced with something synthetic though. These are about mid-calf high, and the leg is split at the front to make it easier to put them on.


If you don’t have suitable Bundeswehr boots, you can also use these with other reasonably loose-fitting boots and rubber boots. But they need to be wide and big since this is thick stuff. You don’t have to use these only as boot liners by any means. They also work as very warm indoor slippers. If the electricity prices or possible blackouts worry you, these will keep your feet warm no matter what happens. These also work as felt boots outdoors if you put a closure system at the front, especially if you sew a leather sole or such on them. And historical reenactors can build winter boots around them and use them for snowy trekking.


Unused German military surplus. Apparently, the Cold War wasn’t cold enough, or these were kept for that nuclear winter that never came. In any case, good for you because you now get awesome stuff for a very nice price.


Arthur M.

03.10.2022Verified purchase
I bought a pair of these, which I just received. As I suspected/hoped, these are the same as the mukluk liners used by the Canadian Forces, officially the 'Socks, Wool Frieze'. I trired to find a pair of these, new, in Canada and ended up reaching out to the company in Winnipeg, Manitoba that makes them for the Canadian Forces for -40o winter warfare. As I recall, the retail cost from the manufacturer was over $200 Canadian. The pair I received from Varusteleka, as advertised, are UK size 10 and brand new, for about 1/10th the manufacturer's price. They are soft, double-layered felted wool, and comfy! If you need a winter boot liner and have a roomy boot, these are the bargain of the year.