British Pattern 58 Water Bottle, Surplus

4,99 €
Out of Stock
Product description

Still issued today, the Pattern 58 water bottle, or canteen, replaced the old WW2 ones and is still going strong. It's a good solid bottle, comparable to the American army equivalent but a bit rounder and with a larger mouth.

Full plastic, capacity a bit over a liter/quart. Taken into use in the 60s, but it is still in use. Why change it if it works? Fits most water bottle or utility pouches, but the best fit is of course inside the British army variants.


Used, but perfectly serviceable. These can have some scratches, but water stays in and comes out through the right place when you need it. We suggest washing this well before use, just in case. The large mouth makes cleaning easy.


Callum B.

04.07.2022Verified purchase
Ordered three. All authentic, made by Osprey in 1981, 1992 and 1997. All three are pretty scruffy and scuffed up, but still usable and non leaky. The names Scouse and Dennis are etched into the back of two of them.

Eddie S.

02.07.2022Verified purchase
Bra pris, men tänk på att jag fick en begagnad kopia och inte den verkliga affären... förhoppningsvis får du inte den kinesiska kopian :-/