Bloody tough dark blue liningless coveralls from the Royal Navy. No buttons or other bulging bits to get tangled in stuff. Excellent condition. If you don’t own an aircraft carrier, these also look spiffy in a rowing boat, and they are perfect for renovation, car repair, and those picturesque blue moments.
- Thick and sturdy cotton twill
- Cargo pocket and two openings to pant pockets underneath
- Hook and loop closure
- Hook and loop adjustment on the sleeve cuffs
- Drawcord adjustment on the waist
- Semi-high collar
- NSN: 8415-99-869-6258
- Made in China
According to the NSN number, the official name of these coveralls is Coveralls Safety. Industrial. Navy blue. However, the tag states that the name is Coveralls AMR Navy Blue. The former is the generic name of these coveralls in the armed forces, and the latter is the name assigned to this particular batch. These are most likely Royal Navy aircraft mechanic coveralls.
The coveralls have a hook-and-loop closure, one hook-and-loop cargo pocket on the right, and two hook-and-loop openings on the sides through which you can access the pockets of the pants underneath. Everything is very low-profile, and there are no buttons anywhere, so it is difficult to get caught on anything unpleasant while wearing these.
These are possibly flame-resistant, but that has been stated in a very vague manner. The product doesn’t have the typical FR text, and the material data simply says 100% cotton without any mention of any FR treatment. However, the tag does mention that mistreatment may murder the flame resistance. Furthermore, the info found through the NSN number states that the garment is flame-resistant.
Because the information is this vague and these are also used, we sell them as regular coveralls. Flame-resistance treatments fade in time anyway, so don’t burst into flames while wearing these. It ain’t a good idea.
These come with slots for sewn-in patches, and some of these have name tags of previous users on the chest and branch insignia or other patches on the sleeves.
British navy surplus. Some have name tags, which would indicate that these are used. However, the condition is excellent, so these haven’t been used in any sweaty and greasy things, if at all.