This is the heavier and practically indestructible German eating utensil set. We sell the same set in milsurp as well but this is a new reproduction. It isn’t any worse than the original though.
German Bundeswehr’s super spork is more versatile than the Finnish equivalent. The set contains it all: a bottle opener, can opener, knife, spoon, and a fork. They are all individual items but they click neatly into a nice package for storing and carrying. All bits are made from tough stainless steel.
The German can opener is more like a can't opener. Maybe we should send someone to join the German Bundeswehr, because damned if we can figure out how to use this thing. Luckily most cans these days can be opened with a pull tab or an axe. Manufactured by Anton Blöchl, made in China.
Dirk H.
Joseph G.