Make Arnold Come


We heard that Mr. Schwarzenegger is coming to Finland and we thought it would be epic to get him to visit our store. That is why we made this video and now we need your help, dear fans, to spread this message all around the world by any means necessary!

You can increase the awareness by clicking social media share links below the big counter and Vote for Arnold -text. Do it now.

To Arnold

If this video message awakens your interest in a level that makes you consider visiting us, feel free to contact us at any time! Day or night...

Contact information

E-mail: [email protected]

We are not affiliated with Mr. Schwarzenegger nor are we trying to benefit from him in any commercial way. We are merely a bunch of fanboys trying to get the attention of our hero.

Support squad:

Aerial Media    BRiNK    Mil-safarit
Lauri Piispanen