Contact information
Contact information
Having problems placing an order or would you like to talk about something else with us? Please contact us, and we will help you succeed! We usually reply within 24h to all questions. See also Frequently asked questions.
Customer service
[email protected]
Tel: +358 10 320 3813
Call charges are determined by your operator. We do not charge extra for the calls to our customer service.
We are online:
- Weekdays 08:00-20:00 EET
- Weekends10:00-18:00 EET
- 23.11. closed
- 6.12. closed
- 24.-26.12. closed
- 31.12. available 08:00-16:00
- 1.1. closed
- 6.1. closed
B2B, Military and Law Enforcement
Please see the B2B, Military and Law Enforcement page for more information.