
Meet & Greet: Polenar Tactical on 5th of April 2019

Meet & Greet: Polenar Tactical on 5th of April 2019

Not just any bunch of Slovenians but Polenar Tactical itself! If you've always wanted to meet this trio, Žigan, Samo, and Manca, now is the chance - they're arriving to Finland!

If you're not familiar with the content these awesome people create, please, take a look:

Polenar Tactical's YouTube Channel
Polenar Tactical's Facebook Page

The Meet & Greet is held in our bar Sotima, which is located inside our walk-in-store. Because the trip from Slovenia to Finland need to be funded somehow, there will be a limited edition "RK Operator" t-shirts available at the event. If you ask nicely, they will most likely to sign the shirt for you.

The event is held between 6 PM and 10 PM. From 8 PM to 10 PM the event is PG-18

You'll fin the events FB version from here. Pass it on!

Free admission.

That's not all!

During their stay here in Finland, there will be two Tactical Rifle courses put up by Polenar Tactical and us. If you have the equipment and time to attend the courses, grab a ticket and come pew pew with us! More info here:

We are getting ready to receive our guests

Polenar Tactical training for Finland