Believe it or not but the N690 stainless steel Chef’s Skrama is finally here! This is the knife whose actionheroesque toughness destroyed the machinery, shoveled a few tons of crap in the fan, and drove some folks to expand their craft beer hobby into a bulk vodka hobby. But it was worth it since the result is a very lightweight, nicely balanced, and extremely durable kitchen knife. Made in Kauhava Finland of course.
Limited edition that comes in a few batches!
This knife was supposed to hit the shelves already in 2021 but the toughness of the steel and the size of the knife was such a mighty combination that it caused our multiverse to implode. So it was delayed. And delayed. And delayed until we thought that we had hallucinated the whole thing. But good things are well worth the wait. Size- and design-wise this is very similar to the previous one except that it has a thinner blade made from stainless steel. So, it is quite a bit lighter and the balance is very nice indeed.
To sum it up, this is one impressive Chef’s knife. It might not be as pretty as the expensive Japanese knives that you never dare to use- But it isn't meant to be. It is a proper tool that works very well as a general-purpose kitchen knife - slicing, dicing, slashing, and cutting all sorts of edible stuff. Not people though, good guys don’t eat people. When you get one of these, you can just donate all those remotely knife-like implements of yours to a friend that cooks crappier food.
Christopher C.
Michael C.
Michael T.