This is the delicious candy we Finns love, and those with weird taste buds hate with a zealot-like passion. We try to force-feed this to all our foreign friends, to their great delight. It is a sort of acquired taste that is very difficult to describe, but read on, and we’ll try.
Salmiakki lovers
This is a fairly gentle salmiakki with a delightful peppery hint. It is not the strongest or mildest one out there; flavorwise, it falls nicely in between. These are those fairly soft candies that you keep on eating until they're all gone. One bag is perfect for one. Get your friends their own bags so that they won't steal yours.
Salmiakki virgins
The name salt licorice is quite misleading. This is not sweet licorice sprinkled with salt. Although it contains licorice, the taste comes from ammonium chloride, which gives the candy its salty kick. Don’t run away screaming and try to purify your palate with Holy Water. Let the flavor sink in, and you will get used to it. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
PS. Don’t be tricked into believing that the red ones will save you. You will find no berries or fruit in them.