A very small and handy little puukko knife for home and wilderness for all DIY folks. Easy to carry, great for all those detailed tasks, and sturdy as hell. Make a wicked cool handle from wood or more exotic materials or wrap a simple yet comfortable Paracord handle. If you don’t need to battle fierce cave trolls, this works perfectly as your primary knife. If you like ‘em bigger, take one of these as a spare one.
A bigger knife isn’t always better. Usually, a very small bladed puukko is just the tool you need for most tasks in the wild. For heavier chores, you can then use an axe or a big Skrama. It is also wise to carry a spare knife in case you manage to lose the primary tool. This is also perfect for opening packages, peeling oranges, whittling this and that, and any other common tasks at home. And one of these could also be nice in the toolbox of your car.
Just like our other Jääkäripuukkos, this knife has a drop point puukko-style blade profile, and the spine is ground and beveled to strike sparks from ferro rods. You will be thankful for this when your clothes and matches are wet, the sky is falling, and you need a warming fire.
Brandon P.
Corbin C.
Zachary S.