Thermos Stainless King 710 ml (24 oz)

39,99 €
Product description

Don't let the name fool you too much, this Thermos works well with anything edible or drinkable. The large opening facilitates easy operation & cleaning, while the steel construction is virtually unbreakable. Thermos products overall are made extremely well, it's always money well spent.

Large, reliable, and functional way to store your food or beverages on the move. The Stainless King 710 ml is a keeper; slow and steady, always ready.

  • Large opening for easy cleaning, filling and access to contents.
  • Threaded cap! Slower to open than flipflops, but virtually indestructible, more hygienic and insulates better.
  • Double wall stainless steel (304 steel) construction.
  • Vacuum insulated (heated up in 1000 degree super oven) space between the walls.
  • Keeps contents hot for about 9 hours or cold for about 12 hours, but of course this depends on the conditions.
  • Electro-polished interior, reduces any possible unwanted tastes and odours after use and cleaning.
  • The cap doubles up as a compact cup.

Steven D.

Have used one for quite some time now. Keeps things hot for a decent amount of time. If there is a layer of ice at the top, the mouth is wide enough that you can chip away at it with a tool. Great for hauling around hot meals as well. If you a looking for a do everything thermos, this is it. It's also roughly the same width as a nalgene bottle. So if you have a metal mug that a nalgene nests inside, this should also fit.

Timo c.

This one is great, it keeps your prepared food hot for many hours. It is also lightweight and good to transport in a backpack or smaller bag. You can even use it for cooking, put in i.e. an Instant noodle dish or even fresh ingredients and spices (no raw meat though), add boiling water, close it, let it simmer for a few hours and you have a fresh cooked meal. I use it both for work and travelling. Only bad thing - a traditional Finnish lusikkahaarukka does not fit in properly, so you need a different spork solution. Oh, and I must damit I didn't buy it from Varusteleka but from a different seller - living in Germany a purchase from this great shop wouldn't have made sense this time.

Julius H.

24.04.2023Verified purchase
It's a damn shame Varusteleka doesn't have this in stock anymore. Tough and functional. For those wondering: it fits twelve Snellman Kunnon Kuoreton sausages perfectly. Great, for example, when you have a young pack to feed but can't be sure your destination will have a proper grilling setup.