Slovakian field cap, Strichtarn, surplus

0,99 €
Out of Stock
Product description

Not only the East German NVA used Strichtarn: here's a Slovakian army article with that hallowed camouflage pattern.

Extremely robust field cap made of cotton. These have sexy earflaps, a visor, and everything if you really have to push it to the max. The Czech/Slovak Strichtarn print sometimes has a wacky bubbly background pattern, which would make the camo pattern perfect for an acid-rock album cover if it was more visible.

Sometimes the hats have the cockade pictured, sometimes not. We won't pick.


Most looked to be in pristine condition. And if not totally unissued, you'll get one in excellent shape anyway. Order one already!


Eduardo L.

29.10.2018Verified purchase
I got my cap a couple years ago, just got it to spend an extra EUR. Oh God, little would I knew, it would be one of the best purchases ever. The cap fittet like custom made, and even if it didn´t have the insignia, made me look stupid enough to loose all my charisma, inteligence and luck points, but hey, all those flaps did help when I had to fight off some bees in the yard, as a piece of my DIY bee fighting costume. Do buy one.

Eduardo L.

29.10.2018Verified purchase
I got my cap a couple years ago, just got it to spend an extra EUR. Oh God, little would I knew, it would be one of the best purchases ever. The cap fitted like custom made, and even if it didn´t have the insignia, made me look stupid enough to loose all my charisma, inteligence and luck points, but hey, all those flaps did help when I had to fight off some bees in the yard, as a piece of my DIY bee fighting costume. Do buy one.

R R.

05.03.2018Verified purchase
Seems to run on the small size... by a large margin. Still, I get to make my niece look like a dork, which is a great investment for less than a dollar!