Sharkmed Tactical Survival Blanket

6,99 €
Product description

A good quality emergency blanket or "space blanket". Green on the outside, silver on the inside - reflects heat without breaking concealment. A very important piece in any first aid kit, these very same blankets are also issued by the Finnish Defence Forces.

Hypothermia can strike an injured or exhausted person much more quickly compared to someone still retaining their combat readiness. It's a risk you should consider even on a cool summer day that doesn't feel cold at all.

These lightweight space blankets take very little space and should be standard in all IFAKs; these are not a specialty of the cold regions. (In arctic conditions, the requirements of an emergency blanket are higher and a Blizzard EMS Blanket is recommended.)

PET aluminum laminated material. Easy to open up, won't stick to itself.


Jens S.

30.07.2024Verified purchase
Until lately I didn´t know, there are other colourings than silver/gold. An emergency blanked is pretty useful for keeping the warmth inside an injured person, but there are some different uses als well (improvised shelter, light and warmth reflector). One should always have one or two in the car and in the backpack, emergency pouch, travel bag.

Craig B.

15.11.2022Verified purchase
Excellent little full size emergency space blankets which have a pleasing bronze/green finish on one side. These are full size unlike some of the chinese space blankets. I use these and Grabber brand emergency space blankets exclusively. Aside from their first aid and escape and evasion uses, We have used these on environmental survival courses as shelter sheets, groundsheets, fire reflectors, air marker panels (shiny side obviously) and they have never let us down when used within their limitations. The best thing I can say about them is that they survived a full 48 hours as an improvised tarp in windy conditions on one course. The secret of course is to tie a pebble into the corners for use as tie off point, and pitch the tarp low in a lean-to configuration. A small fire in front of such a lean to provides a toasty, warm and dry (albeit snug) shelter for one person.

Liam D.

09.02.2021Verified purchase
Made unexpectedly sleeping in my car a slighlty less miserable experience. Five stars.