Miffed by wet gear that smells like crap? Add these GearHalo fresh scent pods to your gear to eliminate moisture and odors. Of course, they won’t beat proper washing and drying but are ideal for longer trips and other situations where washing and drying options are limited. Non-toxic and perfect for sports hiking, and tactical gear. Made in Canada!
GearHalo is a re-chargeable moisture removal system and a fresh scent deodorizer built for all sorts of gear that gets sweaty and stinky, such as training shoes, skates, gloves, bags, helmets, pads, military boots, work boots, armor, and other specialized equipment. Each cube contains two pods. The packages are made of 80% recycled materials minimizing our environmental footprint.
Unlike other products that add more moisture to already wet gear, GearHalo attacks odor, removes the moisture, and deodorizes all at the same time. Place one pod in each piece of equipment after use. In skates, shoes, and boots, pods should be stuffed into the toe area where odors hide. Use the Velcro to connect pods for use in larger sizes or pieces of gear. GearHalo is heat activated so place inside gear immediately after activity.
While you are using your gear, keep your GearHalo pods in your bag to keep them fresh and replace them in your gear immediately after use. Consistent and repeated use provides the highest level of protection from the stink. However, GearHalo is not a replacement for washing. Follow standard washing practices for your gear.
The moisture absorption and deodorizer will fade over time but the pods are designed to last at least an entire season. At the end of the season, throw the pods in the dryer on high for c. 30 minutes to try to reactivate them. In hot and humid climates, you should review their performance 2/3 of the way through the season and regenerate as necessary. When the new season starts, just add a new set of pods to your old ones, and you’ll have double the moisture absorption along with the fresh scent of two new pods.