Proper good green thick mid-layer wool long johns from Denmark. Or as we say fondly in Finland for some weird reason “pants headbutted by a ram”. Put these in between the outer and inner layers, and your genitals won’t turn blue or shrink. Awesome warm stuff. We first got these with side zippers and now also without them.
These are army green wool mid-layer long johns with a high waist and a traditional buttonless dick flap. The shade of green can vary a bit, but not too much to murder the interior decorator in you. These exist in two varieties: with or without side zippers.
The zippered ones feature long zippers on the sides that enable you to wrap the pants around your legs without taking off your boots. Very handy somewhere out there without floors. The zips are also awesome when you perform sexy striptease shows in these. There is about 20 cm of zipperless open leg at the bottom to make them more comfortable with boots.
The other ones are more traditional wool longjohns without the zippers, just like your Nordic grandpa would have had. However, the ankle is open the same way as in the zippered ones.
We don’t have the material info so we don’t know whether these are 100% wool or whether they have added a little bit of some modern enchanted material in the mix as well. In any case, these breathe a lot better than modern synthetic mid-layers.
Nor do we have any official washing info but one would think that these can handle a wool wash at 30 degrees Celsius (86 F). We cannot guarantee this though so if you do it, you’re on your own. Since these are mid-layers and wool, one doesn’t really need to wash them in normal circumstances.
As said before, these are mid-layers. This means that when you have super cold Ragnarök weather and the frost giants are attacking, you first put on e.g. our merino wool long johns, then these, and finally the outer pants. Then you can triumph over evil while keeping your legs warm even in northern Finland.
It is worth remembering that these aren’t made of puppy butt soft Merino wool. Anybody can use these as mid-layers but if you put these directly next to your nekkid ass, they might not caress your skin quite as nicely. By no means is this eastern bloc steel wool either. But if you are used to the slimy smooth surface of some synthex, your bare legs might not enjoy this in the beginning. On the zippered ones, the zips would also display some rough love on bare skin.
In principle, these come in specific sizes. However, because wool stretches in use, these are more or less stretched here or there, and thus precise measurements are impossible to give. The basic idea is that e.g. the size 1 is bigger than the size 2.
The waist is very elastic so one size fits both fitter and fatter bellies. That’s why we’ve given you the waist size range instead of one figure. The first figure is what the waist is without stretching it at all and the other one is when it is stretched close to the max. You shouldn’t stare solely at the leg length. These are fairly short on purpose to be more comfortable with boots. and long socks. We’ve included the average measurements of both sizes below. Some may be pre-stretched so the minimum width can be considerably larger. The maximum waist won’t vary much but the leg length can vary quite a bit depending on how stretched the pant leg is.
Used Danish military surplus. In other words, these can be stretched and a bit felted. But they are clean and intact. Since these are mid-layers, they haven’t been worn against the skin. Thus we hate to disappoint you but you won’t be getting yourself some dirt-cheap used underwear here, you silly you.
Harry S.
Karl N.