CPE Lightweight Armor Plate, NIJ III+ Stand Alone

359,99 €
Product description

An extremely lightweight bulletproof plate for plate carriers and body armor vests. NIJ III+ means these stop the most common "bad guy" guns out there. A single plate weighs only 1.67 kg / 3.6 lbs, which means a pair of these is 3 kg / 6.6 lbs lighter than a pair of ceramic NIJ IV plates! Weight really makes a difference when you want to stay agile and alert for extended periods. On top of all these are waterproof, perfect for maritime use!

At this time we are unfortunately not able to send ballistic armor items outside of Finland due to export restrictions.

Made by CPE Production

CPE (Combat Protective Equipment) is a Finnish manufacturer of military and law enforcement equipment, specializing in body armor and riot control gear. CPE´s gear is used by military and law enforcement both domestic and foreign. CPE test shoots their plates in their own laboratory to guarantee the quality. The manufacturer's warranty is six years from the date of manufacture.


Fredrik E.

28.09.2022Verified purchase
they are very lightweight BUT also E X T R A T H I C C ! A whole whopping 3 cm thick is alot when it comes to platepouches. They will just barely fit in a Strandhögg carrier but you gonna have to PUSH them in. I also tried to put them into a SMALL/MEDIUM able Crye LV-MBAV and they were too big for it even if its rated for standard MEDIUM SAPI plates. It all depends on what youre aiming for, I value the use of my knees so I bought them, and put them into a Paraclete RMV in which they work perfectly with. After a few hours of wearing a vest each kilo makes a difference for the spine and legs. Pros: they weight little to nothing compared to other plates. Cons: heckin chonky.