BW shoe polish

3,99 €
Product description

Dirt cheap German black, brown and colorless shoe polishes! Best applied on smooth leather footwear. Suitable for boots with membranes too.

Usage is simple:

  • Apply and spread evenly with a brush, a piece of cloth or your finger
  • Let soak in for a bit (if possible, overnight is the best)
  • Polish with a brush or a piece of cloth

The tube has 125 ml of shoe polish, official German Bundeswehr stuff. Brushes and others sold separately.


The manufacturers vary - it's always the company that happens to deliver shoe polish to the Bundeswehr at the time. They are all proper good.



19.01.2023Verified purchase
Ich habe viele Paar Goretex-Schuhe Die Wirkung dieser Schuhcreme ist sehr gut, besonders bei Anwendung auf Gotretex ist die Imprägnierwirkung sehr gut Ich habe 10 in schwarz und 10 in farblos gekauft, leider gibt es keine braune Schuhcreme mehr I have many pairs of goretex shoes The effect of this shoe polish is very good, especially when used on gotretex, the waterproof effect is very good I bought 10 in black and 10 in colorless, unfortunately there is no brown shoe polish anymore

Carolyn W.

06.10.2022Verified purchase
This stuff is great. It makes my work boots look to be in nicer condition than they really are and makes them easier to keep looking clean. Not to mention more waterproof. It smells gross, but in that good chemical way. There’s something weirdly satisfying and prideful to have a pair of shiny boots. I hilariously misjudged how big these tubes are (think toothpaste sized or even bigger) and I bought 2 tubes, so now I pretty much have a lifetime supply of boot polish. Talk about value!

Tim T.

30.04.2022Verified purchase
The colourless stuff is great! Water beaded off. Used it on nubuck without problems too but YMMV so test it out first.