US Canteen Cup, Surplus

19,99 €
Product description

Invented over a hundred years ago and still used by the US Army, these cups are made of stainless steel and together with the canteen form a compact package. This is just the cup!

You'll see brand new "identical" knock-offs for a cheaper price but we suggest choosing a genuine US GI surplus cup. These ones will last a lifetime unless you get run over by a tank. Then the cup lasts longer.

An excellent alternative for a full-sized mess tin when space is an issue. The cup is designed to be stored together with the US 1q canteen, taking up virtually no extra space at all.

Being made of stainless steel these are tough and can be heated over an open flame. As a nice feature, the heat conductivity of stainless steel is far lower compared to aluminum (the material of choice during material shortages) which is good for your mouth when you take a sip.

Volume about 0.5 liters. That's half a quart.

Genuine US surplus

In used but serviceable condition. Wash thoroughly before use. These are made mostly in the latter half of the last century; no WW1 or WW2 relics here. Handles vary: most are of the side-folding butterfly type but there are some underfolders in the mix. Sorry, no picking-choosing.


David G.

02.07.2020Verified purchase
Does what it's designed for, holds water and cooks rations when placed on a cooker. Holds about the same amount as the British '58 pattern plastic/metal mugs whilst being lighter and more compact. All the ones I ordered came with the butterfly handles which are less fiddly to put away than the older fold under style but I feel are less tactical when not stored away in a pouch or pocket as they flap about a bit, and there's two variations of the butterfly type. One has a bar down the inside of one handle to rest the other against and the other type doesn't which in the case of one of the two I received with this style makes it awkward to hold the handles together as during its service life the two halves have been warped out of alignment. All the ones I received are stamped with issue markings although two or three aren't dated, the ones that are range from 1988 to 2003.

Charles D.

I didn't buy mine from the site, but I got one from a local surplus store about 1 day before it dropped. Lol. Great design and US GI canteens (1 liter) fit perfectly, and can fit inside of regular canteen pouches. You can cook with this item, either put it on an open flame or an esbit stove, perfect for when you only have 1 FRH for multiple heatable food items. It has a wire handle attached so it can act like a coffee mug. The one I have is used, and only has some scratches and scorch marks. It seems like the only thing that could break one of these things is a bullet.

Arthur M.

Almost indestructible, easy to clean and work well when heating boil-in-bag meals. Be aware that, on the older pattern (pre-1973) cups, the underfold handle is *not* stainless steel and will corrode. I have never seen/had a problem with corrosion with the butterfly handles. Buy genuine US surplus cups for stainless steel and for reliable fit with US-type bottles. Get one while they are available!