In the immortal words of Duke Nukem, "life is like a box of ammo!". Of course, these are only the boxes, no ammo included. Stackable, steel, with waterproof lid.
These are originally made to fit .50 cal belts, but markings can be just about anything. Completely waterproof. Removable hinged. May come from any NATO country.
These make a nice six-pack for the slender 0,33 l beer bottles common with Finnish craft breweries and anything else you can fit inside. Other uses are only limited by your imagination, but we've seen these turned into stoves, musical instruments, boomboxes and so on.
Some might have their sides or lids painted in bright colors, but most are just OD with yellow markings.
NATO surplus
All are in used but perfectly serviceable condition. The markings may indicate any NATO country.
Lucas T.
James H.
Kahl M.