It's difficult to make a personal task light smaller and lighter than this. The Point fits anywhere and is flexible with attachments and direction.
Point is what the name implies: a light you can point precisely where you need it. A hat clip allows attachment to a cap visor, but also a shirt collar or pocket. The flexible boom allows you to direct the light as you please.
MPLS means that a bunch of attaching adapters are included.
A small torch shouldn't have many features, so it's quite simple. Just two modes!
Even if you're a mouth-breather and your lips move when you read, you'll do fine with this torch.
Enough straps on your gear? Clip the torch on your head, helmet, or plate carrier with various options: Helmet side and PALS (MOLLE) bracket for 25 mm (1") webbing are included with the Point MPLS.
Princeton Tec offers a 1-year warranty for this model.