A waterproof notebook made from the byproduct waste of limestone mines. 30 pages. Not only waterproof, but warproof as well - these are much more durable than your regular paper notebooks. There's really no downside in this.
Limestone based paper
Modestone's limestone based paper is pretty neat. In comparison to Rite-in-the-rain this stuff is stronger and absolutely 100% waterproof, you can have a piece submerged for months without it taking any damage! It is also extremely resistant to wrinkling. A really neat feature is the fact that on top of the usual pens and pencils you can also use metal such as keys or bullets to write! We suggest using a pencil on these. In all honesty the only downside to Modestone paper is it's slight softness which takes some getting used to when writing with hard tipped pencils.
Recycling, son!
As said before, these are made of byproduct waste of limestone mines, which means the books are a vulgar display of ecological thinking.
Made in Finland
Made in Parola, Finland. Modestone is a pretty new player in the world of waterproof papers but a prime example of Finnish innovation. Modestone notebooks are currently in law enforcement and military use in Finland, and they´re steadily gaining fame out there in the big world too.
Jiri S.
Alessandro C.
Farasha E.