Once again a prime example of good military surplus! Thick for a collared shirt, the Austrian Bundesheer used these as the outer layer in summer months. An excellent choice when you need a mid-layer shirt that doubles as a light, somewhat windproof, fast-drying outer layer - and want to look good while you chew bubblegum and kick ass.
There is a button closure, two roomy breast pockets, and epaulets. The color is predominantly grayish olive drab, but it varies a bit from green to brownish tint; see the pictures. We won't differentiate.
Note: The Austrian Bundesheer sleeve insignia might not be included. Some have it, some don't.
Austrian military surplus. In used but perfectly serviceable condition. Some might have well-made repairs or something, but overall these are very nice.
Mathis C.
Rodrigo A.
Jedrzej L.