
Iron Sky The Coming Race - World Premiere

Iron Sky The Coming Race - World Premiere

Iron Sky The Coming Race - World premiere

The long wait is over! Iron Sky The Coming Race is coming to the big screen! We had our part to play in the first Iron Sky movie so naturally we involved ourselves with the newest one! In honour of the movies premiere we will hold a special movie ticket raffle where you can win two tickets to see Hitler riding a dinosaur!

Grand prize: Two T-Rex -tickets

We will give away five two ticket bundles to the movies world premiere so you don't have to go out to the cold and dark world alone.

This is a true movie geeks packet that contains two tickets to the Iron Sky The Coming Race world premiere 16th of Jan 2019 in Tennispalatsi movie theatre in Helsinki, movie snacks and tickets to the after party. And as a cherry on top a movie poster and a t-shirt!

After the movie there will be a party and you can enjoy the program in the center of the earth with the movie stars and movie makers in Tennispalatsi, Helsinki, Finland.. The party lasts until the midnight hours. The red carpet rolls out at 5:30 PM and the movie screenings start at 7 PM. The whole thing is over by 2 AM.

The event has an age limit of 18 years

Info and rules

  • Write down your name and contact information. That's it you are in the raffle. We will gather a temporary registry of the participants. Information will be used only to determine and contacting the raffle winner. The registry will be emptied shortly there after.
  • Participation end Sunday 13th of Jan 2019 at 23:59. The winners will be contacted personally.
  • The winners will be drawn on Monday, 14th of Jan and will be contacted during the same day.
  • Screening of the movie is held in Finland. We will provide the tickets - that is if you'll win, but you'll have to find your way to the movie theater. Which is in Finland, Helsinki.
  • You can only take part once.

Take part in the raffle

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